The Hsu-nami, a local band to the City that Never Sleeps, is coming to The City of Angeles on August 10th for the first time playing at the Indie Entertainment Summit. The Hsu-Nami has two main albums: Entering the Mandala and The Four Noble Truths. One of the most popular songs is Rising of the Sun from the FNT album, in which front-man Jack Hsu uses a Erhu Violin for most of the solos; the Erhu is an ancient Chinese violin dated all the way back to the Tang dynasty. What makes this band truly different and inspiring is they’re an internationally renowned progressive rock band, or ‘Progressive Erhu Rock’. Hsu-Nami has interesting sound palettes full of heavy guitar riffs, natural melodies, and polished solos. I’m a fan myself of Snake Skin Shuffle and Interlude, and I’m sure you will be to after seeing them perform live tonight at the Ivar Theater in Hollywood. Hope to see you there! – Kayla Hay