The mod revivalist band, The Electric Magpie recently lost most of their gear and personal items in San Antonio, TX. They’ve put together an Indiegogo campaign to recoup the financial loss they experienced on their SXSW tour. A list of what they lost is posted below. If you see anything in San Antonio give them a shout at
-Fender Mustang (white with red pickguard)
-Fender Telecaster (natural light wood, old and dirty, with added switches on the control panel)
-Nord 73 key organ
-Squire Jazz Bass (new,white with red pickguard)
-Old silver memory man, (2 prong cord attached, scratched up with a high pitch hum)
-Ibanez classic flange
-Electro Harmonix cathedral
-Fuzz Factory
-Boss tuning pedal
-Spaun snare drum (black and gold)
-Peter’s suitcase full of dozens of fantastic floral shirts and such
You can contribute to the band’s Indiegogo campaign HERE. Please pay it forward and help The Electric Magpie!