Bolstering Gainesville surf-rockers Thee Holy Ghosts at Kung Fu Necktie tonight is a troupe of local basement bands who all sound equally at home treating classic rock and roll to their own sloppy and sweet sounds. The Eeries couldn’t be more staunchly of the city if they tried as you can tell from the cover of their latest album Home Alone with its an unmistakably Philadelphian row home facade. Hitching gilded Beach Boys harmonies to bare-bones arrangements is their ticket to getting stuck in your head for days and calling to mind all sorts of out-of-season memories. Relentlessly summery garage rock tends to do that to you. The Eeries, though, are downright straitlaced in comparison to the Pussy Dogs. They wear that "perverted rock" tag as proudly as a vintage bomber jacket, draping themselves in a screeching layer of guitar fuzz that demand you revisit the days when rock and roll was the devil’s music. The lyrics might not be quite intelligible, but you know there’s something deviant going on underneath all the feedback. And if you are powerless in the face of male-female dueling vocals a la Japanther, The Shakes will be your undoing. Their rollicking soul-punk melange is topped off by a mix of delicacy and gravelly shrieking, the kind you’d least expect to be adorning a Buzzcocks cover, but don’t let that get in the way of your dancing. This is ROCK AND ROLL Night ’12, when classic sounds get an unmistakably Philly styling. Kung Fu Necktie, 1250 N. Front St., $8, 8pm, 21+ – Alyssa Greenberg