The Deli’s Best of Austin Year End Poll

Musical peoples from Austin and beyond.

A few weeks are left before the end of 2009, and the time has come for our end of year musical "summary". Yes, you got that right: The Deli’s "Best of (emerging) Austin 2009" Poll is upon us!

This year we are going to try to involve everybody on different levels: the readers, our jury of selected scene makers, our writers and – of course – the emerging local artists. The process we have implemented to choose the Best emerging Austin Artist of 2009 is a little complicated – if you are interested in knowing how it works please go here.

We’ll just tell you that there will be prizes for the winners, such as: Deli promotion, free studio time, audio software + more!

But as we know most readers’ attention span is limited, so we prefer to keep things simple on the homepage: in the next two entries under here you’ll find what you can do if you want to be involved.

Have fun, and may the best music triumph!
[May also some people NOT get mad at us for some reason… it happens every year during the year end poll!!!]

The Deli Staff

P.S. Oh and if new posts here at The Deli Austin will be a little slow in the next few weeks, it’s because our Austin Editor Tom just had twin girls!!! Double congrats Tom from all the Deli staff!