The Deli SF’s Weekend Highlights For 2/11-2/14

After having gone into a brief period of dormancy, the Deli SF will be resurrecting it’s weekly recommendations of happenings around the Bay Area so you can plan your time accordingly. With that in mind we encourage bands to post their shows on our DIY Live Show Listings as you never know if yours could be the one featured.

Though surely many people’s plans this weekend involve evenings by candlelight and something lacy from Good Vibrations, for those who dare to break the mold and treat their date to a different hot and sweaty environment, or just don’t give a rat’s arse about Hallmark holidays, here are a few show highlights for this weekend.

For a down-tempo night out Il Gato are giving a folky kick off to the weekend at The Blue Macaw in the Mission this Thursday the 11th at 8:30.

On Friday night Grand Lake (who took second place in the reader’s poll this year for the Deli’s best emerging artist) are opening for Alec Ounsworth (of Clap Your Hands a Say Yeah) at Cafe Du Nord.

If an excuse to have a goofy dance party is the impetus you need to get out Saturday night Super Adventure Club will be performing the second show of their four week residency at the Hotel Utah. One the other hand if your looking for something a bit rockier, Paranoids and Tokyo Raid will be playing on the other side of town at Kimo’s somewhere around 10pm.

That’s all for this week. Remember to keep us updated on the calender and we’ll do our best to disseminate the word.

-Ada Lann