The Days of Lore Presents The Mother Hips, Jared Mees and the Grown Children, and The Hugs Friday at Doug Fir!


Mark Lore, creator of The Days of Lore blog, knows a thing or two about music. Lore is the former arts editor of California alt-weekly Chico News and Review, and when he is not slaving away on The Lore blog, he’s writing for music mags like and our own Portland Mercury. Oh, and the dude apparently used to play in a couple of bands.

Consumed by music he is, and acting as a musical Jedi and thus a guardian of peace and justice in the music world, it is up to him to pass his wisdom onto us. Lore has used the Force to bring together three great bands tomorrow, April 16th, at Doug Fir: the Bay Area Americana-rock staple the Mother Hips, along with ’60s-speckled garage-rockers The Hugs, and indie-popsters Jared Mees & The Grown Children.

It’s an impressive lineup of bands whose music is fun, fun, fun and oh so danceable. I wonder if Jedi’s ever bust a move? I guess we will have to wait and see tomorrow.

Show starts at 9 p.m. The cover charge is $15, but watching Lore dance could be priceless.

Deanna Uutela