The Boston Underground Summit IV — Sat. Jan 28 @ Cambridge YWCA

Bodies of Water Shows / Boston Hassle presents…

The Boston Underground Summit IV
When: Saturday, Jan 28
Where: Cambridge YWCA
7 Temple St. (Central Sq.)
Cambridge, MA

$5-$10 sliding scale suggested donation

The Boston Underground Summit IV is a 10 band ***round robin performance by the following bands:

Guerilla Toss
Needy Visions
MMOSS (pictured above)
White Pages
Night Fruit
Broken River Prophet
Skinny Vinny
Magic Magic
Robot Death Kites (NY)
Vulture Shit (NY)

***What’s a round robin show?

It’s when 10 or so bands set up all at once. They set up a few pas, and the bands take turns playing songs one after another. Then, after all the bands have played a song, the loop repeats, until the show ends.