The Ballroom Babies are a 3 piece rock outfit made of 3 brothers. Steve, Mike and Nathan Collucci from Mississauga, Ontario. All 3 are seasoned musicians having graduated from Humber College’s Music Program. At one point they all separate bands but have come to the conclusion to "never go against the family". They released their first album "Change to Silver" in 2013. Its all cohesive rock n roll with an edge. I particularly like the title track from the album. It starts off with a slow drum beat and a tight chord progression that leads into a dreamy chorus with vocals cut from a Scott Weiland cloth. By the end of the tune it all makes sense…and you’re rocking out. Have a listen….you can see the Ballroom Babies Wednesday June 3rd @ the Lazy Flamingo in Hamilton. -Kris"Big City"Gies