The Ascetic Junkies Free February Happy Hour Residency at the Laurelthirst


Havin’ a hard time making it through Wednesdays? Then the last bastion of bluegrass stompin’, country callin’, folky strummin’, and poppy shoutin’ is offering you a remedy.

Yes, ladies and gents, the LaurelThrist Public House is allowing the gal and guys of The Ascetic Junkies to set up shop every Wednesday evening in the month of February for a few rounds of happy drinks for happy hour and a happy time.

But these kids don’t play alone, they’ve brought friends! Each week they’re collaborating with a new artist displaying honeyed originals, twangy, traditional bluegrass, ramblin’ covers, and maybe even a testin’ the pluckiness of new some material.

The Junkies are joined this Wednesday, February 10th by Sam Cooper of Horse Feathers, with guests The Glyptodons on February 17th, and Leigh Marble and Ezra Carey on February 24th to finish out the month.

These sessions guarantee two hours (6 to 8 p.m.) of dosey-do switching of partners, instruments and banter. And this’ll all come to you for free. (Note: The concert is free, not the booze.)

And if that’s not enough to get ya in the door, singer/glockenspieler Kali Giaritta is feeling generous and giving away the Junkies’ latest EP Don’t Wait for the Rescue Squad on Bandcamp. “These songs are like gifts to friends, so we felt silly charging for them. Enjoy!” says Kali.

Have happy music and happy friends at 6 p.m. every Wednesday in February with the Junkies at the LaurelThirst.

Chris Young