Tall Juan announces release of debut LP “Olden Goldies” on Bufu Records

In advance of the May 5 debut album release “Olden Goldies,” Argentinian-born Queens resident Tall Juan (profiled in the Summer 2016 Deli Print Issue 47) has released first single “Getting Cold” (streaming below).  Using his nylon-stringed classical guitar, deliberately strummed, unaccompanied chords introduce the track slowly at first, before building in speed. That intro serves as segue for the full stomping progression where Juan wails “I was all alone, I even wanted to try and kill myself.”  Channeling original punkers Joey Ramone and Richard Hell’s vocal stylings in tone and delivery, an instant connection is made with fans of early NYC punk and garage rock.  Despite the relative structural simplicity (something punk rock is celebrated for) there are enough chord changes and rhythmic turns to keep it all careening forward.  The upbeat progression lightens angst filled lyrics like “all I ever wanted was some love, but all I got was my body getting cold.”  Olden Goldies is available for pre-order via BUFU Records now. Dave Cromwell