An ambitious adolescent often buys a classic muscle car that “needs some TLC.” However, rather than focusing on the essential mechanical issues he/she will focus on its aesthetic appeal; paint jobs and rims are often their top priority. Restorations is the type of band that chooses to worry about what’s under the hood before they make it look great. Lead-singer Jon Loudon’s vocals create a weathered feel making songs such as “Sideways House” authentic and sincere while the band plays like a team. Each instrument does its job well, but also plays within itself. Vocals and guitars may be the first aspects your ears naturally gravitate towards, just as paint and rims may be the eye-catching items on a car. However, for a vehicle or a band to run smoothly, every part needs to be finely tuned. The raspy-weather-beaten vocals and simple yet slightly-textured riffs might suck you in, but the group as a whole will keep you there. Restorations are the type of car that might not blow you away at first glance. However, once you go for a test drive, you’ll take it home. The Fire, 412 W. Girard Ave., 9pm, $7, 21+ – Michael Colavita