T-Rextasy’s brand of pop-punk has always slanted toward the pop end of the spectrum, driving home affecting and candy-coated hooks that always have a fierce bite. But just below the surface of the political lampooning on many of their songs are moments of emotional poignancy and surprising sentimentality. And with their newest single “Girl, Friend”, the band have continued to hit that sweet spot between charming, quaint and moving. Streaking guitars and up-tempo drums set the scene for a ballad about charting the unexplored territory of determining a potential partner’s sexuality. While the call and response between Lyris Faron and the faux valley girl of the song’s story can be humorous, it’s the earnest delivery of lines like “Just be my friend, be my girl, friend” cut to the heart of this song’s driving theme: a desire for real connection with another person in a world full of uncertainties. T-Rextasy’s style of punk is vital for the current age and live show at Elsewhere on August 30 is a must-see. You can stream “Girl, Friend” below. –Tucker Pennington