Surrounded by Holidays — Sun Thief EP

Surrounded By Holidays’ latest release, Sun Thief EP, takes traditional ideas about pop-punk and garage rock and transforms them into its own unique sound. The opening track, Cerulean Skies, reminds me of Animal Collective’s Merriweather Post Pavilion, with its heavily effected instruments and reverb-soaked vocal melody.  However, that sound is not kept for long, as the second track, Backflips, bursts to life with a surge of energy. The driving force behind the track is an unlikely source for a traditional pop-punk style song: the synth. Catchy synth lines are peppered throughout the EP, adding a refreshing layer to the music.

The EP takes another sharp turn during Don’t Fall Again, starting off with a finger-tapping bass riff, then emerging into a Dinosaur Jr.-esque rock song.

Overall, I enjoyed Surrounded By Holidays’ new material.  My one major critique would be that the production and mixing seemed unbalanced at times, but for the most part this was a solid set of songs.  Not many bands are open-minded enough to experiment within a genre (or multiple genres) and I think this is a band that understands the importance of drawing on a multitude of styles to achieve a good sound.  The entire EP is available for download on their bandcamp site, so be sure to head on over and give it a listen.

Also, try to catch them tomorrow, Sat. Jan 7, at 3065 Live in East Wareham, MA. The show starts at 5, it’s all ages and there are a bunch of other bands playing. For more details click here.–Daniel McMahon