Approahcing humor in songwriting is usually looked down upon, as if not taking things seriously makes you a goof in a musical climate where you’re more respected for being brooding and woundedly self-absorbed. At first glance, it’s easy to dismiss dance punk trio FIM, who willingly define themselves as extraterretrial psych rockers. Staying true to that sill descriptor, the foursome just released their most outlandish track yet, "Fast Cars", a brainy, robotic synth pop romp that is actually backed up by some considerable skill. Meaning, they take their humor seriously. It’s tempting to instantly raise the "novelty" flag, but when you’re incorporating an infectious rhythmic energy with such care there’s no reason to embrace the weirdness and let your inhibitions flow. FIM will be playing this and other songs off their latest EP "Alien Beach Party" at the Satellite on February 24.