Though she spent her formative years in Orlando, Emily Reo’s ‘Olive Juice’ is doused in the haze of west coast dream pop. Her synth-manipulated songwriting is in a constant state of ease, never hurried nor rushed, simply content to lilt along in a dream state. Her arrangements gather you up gently and swirl in reverse until you aren’t sure which way is up. While her sound can be described at times as ambient, or lo-fi, the layers and textures push and pull throughout each song – especially on "Peach," where there is a flurry of activity. Reo has been toying around with the songs on ‘Olive Juice’ since 2009. The current collection of arrangements feels complete – you can almost sense her satisfaction at seeing them through to their maturation. While references can be made to Imogen Heap, Beach House and even Postal Service, Reo is in a league all her own, creating beautiful masterpieces filled with passionate experimentation. Stream the entire ‘Olive Juice’ album on her bandcamp, out now on Elestial Records. – Jacqueline Caruso