Don’t miss a new installation of John Vettese’s “Still Life” (a series dedicated to showcasing experimental/ambient music) tonight in the Side Chapel of the First Unitarian Church! Philly’s own Northern Valentine will be performing this evening with their dreamy, atmospheric soundscapes that manage to travel “the spectrum between tranquil and massive” while being cerebral yet full of heart. They’ll also be bringing video projectors into the mix, which will be the first for the experimental showcase. Joining Northern Valentine will be the debut of South Jersey’s Endor Endor, a new instrumental project from Tom Ryan (Young Statues, the Atomic Square, It’s a King Thing, etc.), and Baltimore duo (that sound more like a six-piece) The Water. So “turn on, tune in, and drop out.” First Unitarian Church – Side Chapel, 2125 Chestnut St., 8pm, $8, All Ages – Q.D. Tran