After several virtual spins of Steve Shiffman & The Land of No ‘s latest EP "Nemegt Uul," I began to look at the three song work as a continuous story. It was only after I formed this theory that I discovered that "Nemegt Uul" is the second in a series of 3 EPs (each to be released every 3 months) which will be later compiled into a full length album. So, albeit shaky, my postulation held a little water. The three songs are tied together by recurring themes of lost and found love, dream vs. reality, communication failure, and dressed by the band’s intense guitar sound, rooted in the indie sound of the 90s, and Mr Shiffman’s vocals, which are at times reminiscent of an angrier Brendan Benson. Don’t miss the EP release party at Cake Shop on November 4. – Allison Levin