Spotlight: Muy Cansado’s “Love and Fear”

Muy Cansado‘s "Love and Fear" is a wonderful EP of indie rock gems.  The kickoff track, "Giant," has a winding verse with unique timing that slaloms towards an idyllic, Pixies-esque dual vocal chorus.  Despite the grand aspirations of the song’s driving rhythms and chord progression, Chris Mulvey pushes the lead vocals hard, lending the song a palpable immediacy.  There are two separate guitar solos here, too, and at under three minutes, the song is a lesson in making every second count – as is the entire EP, actually.  The songs march on with driving rhythms and snaky bass lines; the vocals push against the danceable verse groove of "Not About a Girl" and lend an organic, raw depth.  The rhythms are rock solid, the guitar work interesting or appropriately supportive, the bass lines undeniably fun, and the vocals always infectious (check out the title track).  The cream on the cake are the little things, though, like the quick funky jive of a guitar at the end of the "Not About a Girl" chorus or the one long backup vocal note in the chorus of "Sharpshooter," and they really fill out the songs and make this EP a pleasure to revisit.

Find out where to get your copy over at their website.

The Deli Staff