Song premiere: Admiral of the Red – Footbeats

We are excited to premiere the brand-new single from Admiral of the Red, “Footbeats.”
This is a song laden with deliberate hooks that will get rockers banging their heads and hipsters shuffling their feet. It’s a track that displays the band’s greatest strength: its ability to deliver purposeful, subtly sexy and spooky hooks in a three-and-a-half-minute package. “Footbeats” is propelled and steered by Meredith McGrade’s steady bass line, while Tom Hudson’s seamless transition between eighth- and sixteenth-note beats pushes the song even further over the edge. The immediacy of the song is brought to a head by the work between MB and Matt Hurst; Matt’s menacing guitar riff complements MB’s haunting doubled vocal line.
“Footbeats” was recorded, mixed, and mastered by Joel Nanos at Element Recording, and will be part of Admiral of the Red’s debut LP, to be released later in 2015.
Admiral of the Red’s next show will be on Friday, February 6, at Davey’s Uptown with Drew Black & Dirty Electric. Be sure to catch them sometime and download the new single on Bandcamp, where you can name your own price.
Michelle Bacon

Michelle is the editor of The Deli KC and plays in bands. She also considers the rhythm section of Admiral of the Red to be her ultimate nemesis. 

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