Slingshot Dakota shoots into Everybody Hits, headlining a record release show for their latest album Break, which was released last month via Topshelf Records. The husband and wife duo of Tom Patterson and Carly Comando explore emotive, earnest territory, adapting to life’s curve balls one pitch at a time. They don’t shy away from challenges, embracing the rough edges with a charming, thick-skinned sincerity. However, toughness is only a segment of their sound – one which also exudes a positive outlook despite the momentary obstacles that lie in the day to day, finding triumphant joy. Mercury Girls deliver loose energetic pop that lyrically digs into pain, contrasting with its harmony-rich polish. Petal, a.k.a. Kiley Lotz, showcases beautiful determination through rousing, unshielded vulnerability. With their new LP Guided Meditation due out at month’s end via Lame-O Records, the infectious, expressive, hook-laden pop-rock of Hurry completes this lineup. Everybody Hits, 529 W. Girard Ave., 8:30pm, $10, All Ages – Michael Colavita