Catherine Dwyer is at the controls of the bedroom-folk sound of Spring Onion, performing tonight at Tralfamadore. Dwyer reaches back with an easily accessible, casually-strolling instrumental tone. However, while concise lyrical anecdotes appear to offer a set of temporary images, they also speak to a deeper microcosmic, pensive framework. They’re the type of songs that’ll sit with you for a while, ruffling one’s tucked away search for meaning and connection. With a reserved feel of emotive release capable of bursting at the seams at any time, Buster supplies a bare yet volatile vibe. Rochester-based Sad Cactus artist Big Fred provides quick flashes of fragile fury and levity. The Honeymoon Band rounds this lineup into its final shape. Tralfamadore, (Please contact one of the acts or venue for more info.), 7:30pm, $5, All Ages (Photo by Becca Hafter) – Michael Colavita