With their debut LP, Great Pine, ready for re-release on vinyl this Tuesday via Yellow K Records, Seagulls are set to take the stage tonight at Bourbon & Branch. The former Featured Artist (s) Poll Winners quickly grabbed our attention last year with their debut LP, and became last September’s Record of the Month. It’s the type of album that you gradually absorb with its open-air vibe and delicate, lifting harmonies and instrumentation that remain vibrantly layered, somehow toeing the line between nostalgic and fresh with its 8-bit flourishes. The music radiates a natural warmth, allowing listeners to ease into the weekend. (BTW: Attendees will receive a free CD while supplies last.) Baltimore brotherly duo and fellow Yellow K labelmates, New God, bring a blend rich harmonies with an experimental side. New York’s Jagged Leaves unleash a high-energy variety of folk with an electronic bite, and Brooklynites Laura & Greg open the festivities with a tight, twinkling traditional take on folk. Bourbon & Branch 705 N. 2nd St., 8pm, $10, 21+ – Michael Colavita