While band names with upper case letters has become the latest hot commodity, leave it to S.N.R. to bring back the good ol’ acronym. If you were wondering, S.N.R. stands for Soul Natural Remedy, an apropos designation for a duo that writes soulful folk songs that linger in a state of dreamy, pleasant languor. Made up of duo Grant McCloud and Corbin James, the songwriting partners found an equal compatibility for music while working together at Yellowstone National Park in 2014 before they made their move to North Hollywood. It may not be the most exciting of stories, but it is theirs and truly theirs alone, after all. The oddly frazzled songs on their self-released debut EP are surreptitiously psychedelic, moving in a blissed-out state that is sure to meet you with a warm, pleasant glow; much like its leisured pace, they’re poised to carve a songwriting identity that is sure to bloom with bright splendor.