Rough and tumble, that’s what Rugaroux is. And it’s a style and sound in short supply these days in this town; we’re all about the pretty, but what about the gritty? That’s why we’re liking the first material from Rugaroux, a new Austin punk band in the classic vein of fierce and ferocious guitars over a relentless, fist-shake-ready beat. Rugaroux is, by the way, a term that refers to a mythical and revered wolf/human hybrid beast from ex-pat French cultures as found in French Canada and Louisiana, the latter of which it is said to stalk through, roaming the swamps and fields. That Rugaroux the band has a Louisiana connection then makes complete sense, and that their two tracks “Deadly Dance” and “No Desire” come at you all vicious and biting is also fully fitting for their feral name. In a thoroughly punk way, they’re almost wholesome, by which we mean they do a punk’s heart good, hitting all the right, nostalgic feels but putting their own, new twist on the style. In other words, just what you want to hear from a contemporary punk band. Let’s hope this wolf-creature gets howling on a few more new tracks soon, and in the meantime, listen to their first go at recording below.