"Visions of Plumerias," the lead single from Rudy De Anda’s debut EP Ostranenie, opens with ominous, plodding drum hits, like a storm approaching his Long Beach hometown at the end of a revelrous day… but there’s no panic to be found! De Anda’s sing-song vocals lope around to distract us, his mind on a "sea of people" and clouds covering once grey skies; there’s nothing expressly cheery about "Visions of Plumerias," most of the pos vibes offered by De Anda come with conditions, but one thinks that it ends with a charming smile, and that tension lends the song that much more spacey magic.
Ostranenie releases July 7th (Porch Party Records) so stream the rest once its available on his Bandcamp, and you can find De Anda at Pomona’s Glass House soon after on July 18th. – Brian J.K. Regan