Rodney Tenor’s music embodies the same personality as Vince Vaughn’s character in the indy-comedy classic "Swingers." His two tracks to date emit that same cool, suave confidence that approaces the line but never crosses over into offputting arrogance. On "Prognosos Hypnosis," Tenor sings sweetly over a funky, Neptunes-inspired beat, displaying the kind of range and poise requisite for any true RnB artist. His lyrics don’t embody any sort of deep meaning, but contain vibrant emotional undertones that will resonate with all those who have suddenly found themselves "glowing up," as the kids say these days. Tenor has exhibited all the indicators of talent and potential on his limited offerings to date, and he will hopefully deliver on them with the release of his debut EP ‘Smother’ on 12/5, whose release will be celebrated that same day at Rough Trade. —Henry Solotaroff-Webber