Psych-Rock band Ritual Talk released an extremely intriguing debut single (with video, streaming below) entitled, “Help, I’ve Been Dreaming”, and is scheduled to perform at Pianos on August 4th. The track is an art-rock song that flows through so many sounds, it becomes difficult to even categorize, yet manage to stay within tasteful boundaries, never sacrificing musical coherence for the sake of experimentation. A rather complex ¾ beat starts the song off, traveling into more psych-rock, wavier sounds from both the guitar and harmonizing female and male vocals. The lyrics are serene, succint but poetic. Then, a more indie rock sound evolves through intricate guitar pattering, slowly evolving as background organs enter the soundscape. If you dig this single, keep your eyes peeled for an upcoming album and don’t miss them live!– Pearse Devlin