Among the many jaw-dropping moments from Ritual Talk‘s performance at Pianos a few weeks back, one that noticeably caught the eyes of the crowd was their artful 5-person vocal harmonization. With their newest single, "Sense" (brand new video below), they replicate that skill perfectly on record. The band’s second track from their upcoming debut EP, Rippled Glass, is soothing and ethereal as was their debut single, "Help I’ve Been Dreaming"; but the vocal performance here is sublime, floating over a more psych, alt-soul vibe. The track’s progression is reminiscent of Alabama Shakes’ soul rock "Sound and Color," mixed with Alexander DeSimine’s Dirty Projectors-esque vocals; the accompanying harmonies, and the final buildup, will send chills down your spine. And if the rest EP is anything as this single and their live performance, it will be one hell of a release. – Pearse Devlin