Ricky Stein, New video ‘Shreveport Blues’ released 5/8, Show TONIGHT 5/24/13 @ Gypsy Lounge w/ The Warm Guns & The Scarlet Effect

Ricky Stein and his handsome voice are hard to resist. He has the swag of a young Elvis, the pained lyrics of an old Johnny Cash and a strong voice like Doug Sahm. Having a voice that carries him through genres with such an expansive range and raspy sex appeal, it’s like a man in a fine suit with a five o’clock shadow.

"Oh" and "In the Red", two of his older songs, hold a softer indie feel both vocally and instrumentally. In his newest song, "Shreveport Blues", Ricky really breaks into a new realm as he belts out lyrics about drug induced homesickness like a classic blues singer. With such variance in his music already, I can’t wait to see how much further his songs will evolve in the years to come. You can watch the video here or check him out for yourself tonight at the Gypsy Lounge! — Written by Katy Glass