Sometimes writing about music requires what I like to call homework, in order to accurately discuss and describe it to you, the reader. I spend hours and hours listening to the same albums on repeat. As you can imagine, there are some where the word "chore" can be completely befitting, but I cannot say that this is true for the Restorations’ new full-length album, LP2 (SideOneDummy Records). The band has branded themselves as “grown-up punks,” which is an interesting title, but very suiting. The eclectic nature of their music succinctly captures a wide range of influences that transcends both decade and genre, thus proving that these gentlemen have been around the block. At times, their music seems too powerful to dilute with the label of punk, but it delivers the raw intensity in which the genre is known. A robust rhythm section complements the folky Americana riffs, heavy shredding, and no-nonsense chord progressions. With this latest record, Restorations have seemingly assumed the title of “Elder Punks” in this flourishing Philly scene. Head out to the First Unitarian Church tonight to help them celebrate the release of their stunning new full-length album with Self Defense Family, Exploded Drawings and Psychic Teens! First Unitarian Church, 2125 Chestnut St., $10, 8pm, All Ages – Ed Newton