So we hate holiday music. (Is there even holiday music for Thanksgiving?) But we do love mixtapes, so we wanted to share with you a mix(tape) from Reading Rainbow to help you get through this extra long weekend. It was made for Artist Advocacy. Specials thanks to Chris Zakorchemmy for giving us a heads up and the photo provided by Tiffany Yoon! We would have posted it yesterday along with our Reading Rainbow interview (take a look here), but sometimes these e-mails don’t seem like they stop coming, and we fall behind. Check out the mix below and what Rob and Sarah had to say about it. Enjoy! – The Deli Staff
“Here is a mix of songs we’ve been obsessed with recently. This past year we’ve been all about the 60’s/70’s and the 90’s and that’s pretty much what everything on this list is from. These songs are a sample of what we listened to everyday on our tiny tour through the mid-west last week. Touring is an excellent time to rediscover old favorites and really get into newer downloads on your iPod.”