RACES preps debut LP on Frenchkiss + Tour Dates

It would be a lie to describe RACES (formerly Black Jesus) as anything but indie rock. The band’s got all the formulaic indie components— straightforward songwriting; guitar, bass, drum, and piano setup; male/female vocal parts—but that same straightforwardness intrigues its listeners, and the melody resonates in their eardrums long after the last chord is strummed. This catchiness has landed the Los Angeles-based sextet a spot on the oh-so-wonderful Frenchkiss label, as well as gigs with The Get Up Kids, Joy Formidable, and Telekinesis this summer (and the band hasn’t even released a record yet!). RACES self-recorded and produced debut LP is slated for a fall release. Below is a list of September tour dates. – Katrina Nattress

9.10 Sacramento, CA Harlow’s w/ Joy Formidable

9.11 Costa Mesa, CA Detroit Bar w/ Joy Formidable

9.13 Santa Barbara, CA Soho club w/ Joy Formidable, Telekenesis
9.14 Los Angeles, CA El Rey w/ Joy Formidable, Telekenesis