Locals Psychic Teens are the kind of band that made stereotypical 1950’s housewives faint. Fresh off their sophomore release COME (SRA Records), the group’s music is an application of the most self-aware sort of psychedelic post-punk drenched in the reckless abandon of 80’s metal – specifically, imagine Bauhaus and Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet in a blender. Psychic Teens are bringing their uniquely grungy, wry and downright furious brand of prog-punk to Yarga’s Basement, nestled in our favorite Penn fraternity, in what is sure to be an all-out blitzkrieg on your ability to hear the next day. They’ll be joined by Michigan’s Brief Candles, the recently re-formed Oh, Adeona, and You’re Fired, a brand new endeavor born from Philly noise-rock specialists Heavy Medical. BTW: If this lineup doesn’t get you there promptly on time, there has also been a promise of something special for the first 30 people in the door. Yarga’s Basement, (Please contact yargaproductions@gmail.com for more info.), 9pm, All Ages – Daniel Ludwig