Northeast Philly’s Power Animal a.k.a. Keith Hampson will be performing at the First Unitarian Church tonight. Though Hampson’s project has gone through many changes in the past year or so, no longer surrounded by a percussive and strangely endearing gang of misfits. What still lies at the root of his music that you’ve grown to know and love along with the rest of us is the ingenious experimental production work by Hampson coupled with his speak-sing vocals that give an intimate insight into an artist constantly struggling to find a balance within himself and the world around him. It’s very humanistic, and what probably draws you in and allows for your guard to be put down for a moment to truly experience the music of Power Animal. Now, that’s some pretty powerful stuff, and one reason why you should come out this evening and show your support to such a unique performer. And it doesn’t hurt that Hampson is a good dude trying to make the world a better place through his music and his charitable non-profit label Human Kindness Overflowing. You’ll also be treated to an interesting lineup of experimental acts when Power Animal opens for This Will Destroy You, Mountains and Amen Dunes. It’s a win-win situation. First Unitarian Church, 2125 Chestnut St., 8pm, $12, All Ages – H.M. Kauffman