Portland Does SXSW: TYuS

Once one of if not the biggest genres of the ’90s, R&B was known for being the go-to soundtrack for making love and karaoke jams. R&B has been making a comeback lately, with many artists of a younger generation turning to the styles their parents loved (and possibly used to bring them into the world) to drive their musical creations. Portland’s arena for the style is pretty open, but local young’n TYuS wants to make sure we "never forget" him.

The title of his album, Never Forget is fuilled with tracks that incorporate the best of the new wave of trap beats and the sensual, archetypal sounds that serve as nostalgia for most of us. He must be doing something right since he’s now signed to Warner Brothers Records, but his more DIY approach to romantic hip hop is something we all can’t help but appreciate. TYuS doesn’t play around Portland much but whenever he does, panties are sure to drop.