
You can’t really peg Pocketknife down into a single category, but you won’t really need to worry about that. You’ll be too busy dancing. The overly bright and poppy scores of sounds that spill out of the secret pockets of each track of Tough as Snails give me hope that a good old fashioned four piece can make dance music without falling prey to being annoyingly steeped in boops and beeps. Pocketknife still somehow pull off being unbearably cute while having just a touch of brashness. Tracks like "Space Invaders" can cause a basement full of kids to pogo with unbeatable smiles, while the bass and synth behind "Normandy" drive the EP into an almost heavy space. With clean cutting guitar riffs splicing it all together along with Marlin Gonda’s Todd Finkesque baritone warming every song, Tough As Snails is definitely late night (or any time of the day) dance party worthy. –MH

Tough As Snails official drops this Sunday at Mississippi Studios for freeeee with Vanimal and Pegasus Dream. Better have your dancin’ shoes on!