This one’s just plain fun y’all. Opposite Day is a staple of the Austin scene that plays some of the most technical and pure fun music in Austin, a combo you don’t often get. This vid is their new track “AI IOU,” and it’s a series of shots that cut between the band doing their hard-playing, wild-beat thing and then a buncha robot shots that feel very MST3K. That’s a pretty good touchstone in terms of era as well, as this track feels quite outta the 90s though all beefed up with some heavier, mathrockier shit, and the idea of a wilder, more indie Barenaked Ladies that plays faster and punkier isn’t far off. It’s fun too to get great tracks that aren’t really about love or social issues or something pretty, but instead just about a cool ass concept that the musicians like; in this case a mufucking robot made from parts of other robots! Check the lyrics: "I am rememebering what happened to the parts that make me/I am a conscious agent assembled from other machines." That’s the good scifi shit. Tune your robot ears and focus your android eyes on this thing below, and let the AI tell you all about its weird ol’ self!