+HIRS+ are nothing if not a timely act to go see at LAVA Space tonight, given that the country is anxiously awaiting the outcome of the Supreme Court’s hearings on gay marriage. Their bilious cocktail of grind, thrash and occult symbols is never anything but on message, and that message is one of unrelenting, politically-charged rage. Subjecting yourself to their monster opus/compendium The First 100 Songs, aside from feeling oddly purifying in its sheer violence, reveals a clever way with samples, a drummer straight from hell, and a truly rotten (in the best way) sense of humor. If the grind onslaught exhausts you, The Joint Chiefs of Math and Forest Kingdom are there, with slightly less punishing repertoires for you to take a breather. LAVA Space, (Please contact one of the acts or the venue for more info.), 8pm, $3 – $5, All Ages. – Alyssa Greenberg