NYC Electronic band gone viral: The Landing releases debut EP on 05.22 at Littlefield

Remember when, in the early ‘augths, all major magazines and newspapers published articles saying how the internet and mp3 revolutions would have allowed emerging artists to reach a wider audience without the need of a record deal etc. etc.? Well, that is certainly true today, but one of the things that nobody expected is that smallish blogs like ours can actually have a significant impact on the promotion of a track. Catchy and well produced synthpop single ‘Anxieties’ (streaming, the video) by NYC’s The Landing got a staggering 180k+ plays in just a few weeks thanks to the magic algorythms of, which picked up a post we did in December about it. This of course is great, although it has to be said that this kind of success doesn’t automatically translate into the real world – which is the band’s next challenge. The first step in this direction is a (real) record: the release of debut EP ‘We Are‘ will be celebrated on May 22 at Littlefield. Hopefully there’s a way for The Landing to reach at least part of the 180k+ music fans who gave them some virtual love.

We added this song to The Deli’s playlist of Best electronic songs by emerging NYC artists – check it out!