Like many successful antifolk acts, Crazy & the Brains have spent the last few years building a following outside of the fertile, yet insular scene where they first got their start in 2009 (you guessed it, NYC). Their other foot has remained firmly planted within: "All I Really Want" is a Barry Bliss cover, and the band plays regular gigs with scene alumni like Hamell on Trial, Jeffrey Lewis, and Toby Goodshank of the Moldy Peaches. Singer/guitarist Chris Urban is an ideal frontman, dishing out well-crafted Ramones sendups. Cofounder Jeff Rubin is the secret weapon, however. As essential as a hype man, his xylophone bashing and backing vocals help give this endearing party band a distinct sound. Look out for an upcoming video release for "NYC" on May 16th @ Shea Stadium in Brooklyn. In the meantime check out their latest single "All I Really Want" below.