This might be hard to believe, but if anything… Not Blood Paint’s latest 5 song mini-LP (some looong tracks in there, and some short ones too!) shows the band in an even fouler spirit than their last. This isn’t to say you need to worry about angry fist throwing in mosh pits at their upcoming album release show at the Collapsible Hole. If anything, the new record displays the group as more melodically centered, harmonically grounded rock songsters than I’ve heard from them yet. But the sentiment has turned from cynicism to heated anger in tracks like album closer ‘Taking Root,’ the admonishing ‘Don’t Wanna Talk About It,’ and even the creepy Frankie Valli harmonies of ‘Family First.’ This is a group increasingly concerned about humanity’s issues. But no matter the wretched shape of our society, it’s a comfort to hear how closely knit this band is. See them live at the Collapsible Hole on Friday, March 8, and check out their Bandcamp to stream ‘Calm Down’. – Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)