When Brendan Mulvihill a.k.a. Keith Birthday and current Dr. Dog drummer Eric Slick a.k.a. Dr. Awkward combine forces, the resulting music is self-characterized weirdo-folk called Norwegian Arms. However, the tandem’s minimalist approach is far from lacking depth. Ironically, as Mulvihill sings, “I’m so tired of being cold,” a song inspired by his time in Siberia, his enthusiastic mandolin playing provides an upbeat warming atmosphere. For his part, Slick’s pots and pans style percussion are the groundwork for the ever-energetic mandolin to move freely about, setting the tempo and pushing the pace when the song calls for it, but also laying back and allowing Mulvihill’s passionate vocals shine through. From a distance, it appears simple, but catch them at an arm’s length at Johnny Brenda’s tonight, and the real picture will come into focus. Also don’t forget to welcome Mulvihill back from his recent trip to Chile with ESL Folk, a project that he started with his comrades to help students in other countries learn English by way of folk music. Johnny Brenda’s 1201 N. Frankford Ave. 8pm, $10, 21+ (Photo by Brandee Nichols) – Michael Colavita