When they released their new video for "Jerk" three days ago, New Jersey based Stephie Coplan & the Pedestrians made a pact with the Devil that if it hit 3,000 views they would buy him a bottle of champaign. They are now less than 1k hits away from committing a mortal sin (since – as you certainly know – "Thy shall not buy the Devil a bottle of French wine" is the 11th "lost" commandment). But you can’t blame this entirely on the Prince of Darkness’ appreciation for bubbly goodness. Inspired by the (super-awesome) show Mad Men, and directed by the expert hand of David Dutton (who did "Internet Killed the Video Star" by The Limousines) this is a great video for a great pop-rock song. Also, Stephie – who likes to flirt with nerdiness in her press pictures – showcases here a more aggressive side, and a series of hairstyles and slightly provocative outfits which will surely trigger a certain amount of impure thoughts among the non affiliated to the Tea Party movement. The band’s CD release show is going to be on 1/21/12 at Rockwood Music Hall, and we are already wondering what dress Stephie will wear for the occasion.