Coming in hot on the heel’s of Empath’s album, Liberating Guilt and Fear, is their new 7” single, titled Environments. Styled in the vein of Irv Teibel’s Environments field recordings from the 1960s and 70s, Empath’s latest track softens the edges of their cleverly raucous repertoire. Each recording on the 7” is meant to represent wind or water; "Only One" takes on the latter, beginning in familiar, playfully punk territory, before opening up into blissful expanses of space as the song develops. The track’s creation of and care for space parallels the mission of their label, Get Better Records, which provides a safe space for Philly’s queer community, becoming an important bastion for underrepresented creatives by giving an early platform to diverse bands such as HIRS, Thin Lips, and Cayetana. (Photo by Matt Allen) – Josh Kelly