As autumn finally lumbers up from hibernation and blankets our town with a most delicious layer of hoodie weather, your natural inclination might be to grab a steamy pumpkin-flavored caffeinated beverage and throw on your favorite sad bastard, woe-is-the-world playlist. After all, this is truly the season for The Civil Wars and Elliott Smith.
But summer is not officially gone for another few hours. The new single from Msg Ctrl, the “rock hop” project of former Shudder members Dustin Blakeman, Wurm Collins, and Kara Babcock, will be your guide as you metaphorically throw back one last lemon drop poolside. Aggressive and fueled by a slick and driving electronic landscape, “Rolling Like A Stone” is the perfect pairing for a jam packed summer dance party.
I enjoy the three-headed-monster vocal assault. Blakeman and Babcock mostly handle the singing duties, throwing the frisbee back and forth during the first two verses. They most effectively join together on the choruses with a dominating unison hook that will surely carom about my head as I try to sleep tonight. During these strains, Collins offers mostly effect vocals, little ticks and outbursts to keep the tension high. He shines as he is featured during the more rap-paced third verse, with a particular nod to the cackle and da-da-das announcing it.
Thematically, Msg Ctrl has absolutely no shame in shooting for the abstract and philosophical bullseye. With references to Anton Chekhov and the courage to throw lyrics like “appendices” and “diodes and vacuum tubing” into a three-minute pop song, I’m sure the band secretly snickers to themselves as you mindlessly gyrate to their Marty McFly-heavy message.
This track is solid, especially for a debut single. Word is there are several more releases from Msg Ctrl coming soon. Give them a like, go download the tune (the first 200 downloads each month are free), and keep an ear out; Msg Ctrl has got some great things cooking.
–Zach Hodson
Zach Hodson is a monster. He once stole a grilled cheese sandwich from a 4-year-old girl at her birthday party. He will only juggle if you pay him. I hear he punched Slimer right in his fat, green face. He knows the secrets to free energy, but refuses to release them until "Saved by the Bell: Fortysomethings" begins production.
He is also in Dolls on Fire and Drew Black & Dirty Electric, as well as contributing to various other Kansas City-based music, comedy, and art projects.
