Have you ever found yourself wondering what a post-apocalyptic pack of roving hackers who speak in Comic-Sans incantations would sound like? Data, the Philly-based duo comprised of Nina Ryser and Gabe Adels, may have just conjured this pleasantly absurd hypothetical into existence. Invisible Witnesses is the second release from the group and follow up to last year’s Divine Creature. Warbling keyboards interlaced with punchy, staccato guitar lines mark the band’s signature sound, with Ryser and Adels’s vocals vacillating between crooning and shouting. The track, “Touchdown Tonight,” feels almost like an homage to the late Don Van Vliet, while the contrasts between recordings like “Give Me Away” and album opener, “Heart So Sad,” display the dynamics that make the album drift effortlessly between jittery grooves and refined singer-songwriter passages. Invisible Witnesses is now available digitally below and on cassette via Single Girl Married Girl Records. – Josh Kelly