Mouth Reader had us at their first submission to the Deli, where they made it perfectly clear that they were at the front of the ranks in this garage rock revolution in Nashville. This fact was driven home with their win in our Artist of the Month Poll back in April. Hard, fast, and fuzzy, they hold down their corner of the DIY scene with furious tenacity while hustling the business side; they have a single on Culture Cringe Records compilation and a split with Private Lives on Semi-Pro Records, both to be released on Cassette Store Day on September 27th, and just put out this video for “Inside You” last week. It’s lo-fi to its core, but has everything you would want in a video: aliens, junkies, sparks flying off guitars and half-eaten babies. It contains all the attitude that 2 minutes of film can possibly fit, along with, and pardon us for fixating on details, one of the most pitch perfect yelps about a minute in. Keep up with the band here. -Terra James-Jura