As I geared up to hit Heeney, Big Ups and Fiasco at Shea Stadium the other night I decided to do a quick search for the opening band in order to decide when I should actually show up. It was the title of their first release that made me instantly decide to get to the show on time: ‘Balls Balls Balls Vagina‘ (why three balls?) – but the music confirmed it. Aggressive, whimsical, and unbelievably hilarious, TURBOSLEAZE know how to capture vulgarity. But all of that might be to waste if they didn’t have the instrumental talent to match their comedy. Delivering goofy stage banter and quips at the audience’s lack of participation, Turbosleaze brought a polyrhythmic math-rock mastery to back it all up, as they sang about things like the evils of fast-food including but not limited to the first Baskin Robins in Afghanistan. I soon discovered that three of the four Yankou brothers are behind TURBOSLEAZE, i.e. the four Bronx born natives of No One and the Somebodies, as well as Will Maloney of the criminally underrated band, Old Table. Turbosleaze has a pretty similar vibe to NOATS, but are more upfront about their vulgarity, which I respect; we need more talented bands who take themselves (and anybody else) less seriously. These boys have paid their dues so let’s show ’em a little love, eh? – Jake Saunders