The Sunday of Northside was not exactly your typical relaxing weekend day. For one, The Deli’s showcase at Cameo Gallery was in full swing. The peppy and preppy Spacecamp melded a geeky exterior with a rock interior and penchant for (beautifully performed) dance beats and catchy melodies, while Papertwin’s mellower psychedelic synth vibes enveloped the venue. A scurry to the basement of The Charleston brought me to happy- go-lucky pop rock bunch, Fast Years, who smiled more than any band I’ve seen (not counting Matt & Kim). A far walk took me to Warsaw, “where pierogies meet punk. “ However, two non-punk bands were creating dance beats for hoards of hipsters. Upon arrival, Chicago’s YAWN was onstage enabling the crowd’s excitement for headliners Starfucker (STRFCKR) with trippy synth-pop tendencies that were less sleepy than their name implies. Portland’s electro-dance pop quartet, STRFCKR transformed the venue into a nightclub, not only with their thumping rhythms but strobes and array of lights that burst out over the audience. My last leg of the night ended back at Trash Bar. Closing the evening and my festival weekend, 60s-inspired psychedelic rock quartet, The Living Kills (pictured and streaming below), hypnotized with organ drones and waves of heavy bass. Overall a fun-filled weekend of music, Northside showcased the thriving variety of emerging artists. –Meijin Bruttomesso