Modern Painters prepare to unveil their latest record “City Folk” at ONCE 07.05

The music of Boston’s Modern Painters drips a syrupy sonic collage of influences that when looked at from afar create a harmonious portrait worth admiring. The various textures that range from honeyed pianoforte phrases to vibrantly colored electric guitar flourishes betray the group’s indie-folk label, transcending it, sketching slowly something far more complex. The group’s latest single “Hive” lingers beautifully, paced by an initially feather-light jazz drum beat that revs up to meet the arpeggiating guitar and thumping bass inspired by your favorite indie-rock record. The lead vocals of Gabe Goodman are entrancing enough to match today’s dream-pop stars and mist away in the single to make way for an irresistible sax solo that melts like butter under the summer sun. Modern Painters are gearing up for the release of City Folk, their first album in nearly two years. The release show will be at ONCE in Somerville on July 5th, and we are thrilled to preview the record for you by streaming “Hive” below. – Rene Cobar